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Magda's Books

Demon Possession (Shadow Quest, #1)

Demon Possession (Shadow Quest, #1) - Kiersten Fay 3.5 starsI've tried reading this book twice before with no luck. It was included in one of my reading challenges this year & am very happy that I picked it up for a third.The beginning dragged a bit for me, Anya's inner turmoil/thoughts were off-putting. After Sebastian finds her aboard his ship, the story does take off. I enjoyed their relationship, watching it grow, and I really enjoyed Sonya.It was weird to read the heroine described as lush & curvy when she had been starved for over 200 years. Also, when she was hidden inside the cockpit compartment, no biological necessities? There are A LOT of editing issues with the book, would have to read back sometimes to make sure I read the correct word. The book felt overly long, and I felt a lot of IAD influences within the story.In the end, I enjoyed it & would give book #2 a shot.